Featured collections
Julius Boutique
family business
why julius
We have been selecting the most beautiful shoes, clothing and accessories from leading houses since 1988. No products that need a story, the product is the story.
We make sure your order arrives at your home quickly and safely. Packages are sent from Tuesday to Saturday. You will receive a track & trace link as soon as it is on its way.
Contact us
For questions call +31 43 325 55 18 or send an
email to A passionate and experienced team is ready to answer all your questions.
From Shoes & Shirts to Julius Boutique
After 35 successful years of Shoes & Shirts it was time
for a change!
You may be wondering why we would leave a thriving business behind?
Making the actual decision may not have been that simple, but the answer is and was. Change was needed for us and for our customers, a new 'fit' in line with the dynamic
times in which we live.
New concept
Sometimes you have to dare to let go of the old to make room for new concepts, and that's what we did!
But our love for authentic and iconic pieces and their makers remains!
Together with our knowledge, heritage and high level of service. We will always remain the ultimate boutique for gentlemen with a genuine taste for top quality.
You will find many of your favorite brands in our new boutique, but new brands and
products added.
Are you coming over soon?
Magnificent Mezzo
completely handmade
This beautiful Norwegian stitched shoe from Bontoni is for the man who also wants quality for his casual look.
Something new
Shop the look
Shop the look
we are happy to help you
Any questions?
Do you have any questions about products you saw in the store or on Instagram or do you have any other questions? Leave your message below and you will hear from us soon.